We are honored to receive this citation from the Adaptive Technology for Rehabilitation, Integration and Empowerment of the visually Impaired (ATRIEV), an organization at the forefront of providing access to information technology for the blind in the Philippines:
Bluepoint is a non-profit Open Source education and development center. It is the first organization in the Philippines that focuses on Linux and Open Source training.
Bluepoint seeks to enhance the IT skills of Filipinos by providing globally competitive Open Source education through (1) advocating, (2) educating people in, and (3) developing Open Source software through trainings, seminars, fund-raising events, research, and development.
ATRIEV’s Project Officer, Rene Orense, has been privileged to join two training programs of Bluepoint: Teachers Using Linux to Augment the Youth (TULAY) and Extreme PHP. He is now planning to implement his learnings in the ATRIEV system.
ATRIEV also plans to work with Bluepoint in the development of a screen reader software that works with Open Source. If and when this dream will come true, more Filipinos will have access to computer-based information.
From the very words of the movers behind Bluepoint Foundation: "We are committed to excellent service, innovation, diversity, creativity, honesty, and integrity. Our accountability is to God."